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Issue 2023 of St!chwort
Student research projects, term papers and bachelor theses: Contextual examination Gut beladen/Laura Borm, Bachelor thesis Pre-Consumer Waste/Anja Leshoff, term papers by Hilke Spannhoff/Recycling versus Fast Fashion, Luzia Meyer-Rohen/Yves Saint Laurent and Melanie König/Miuccia Prada. Insights into self-study: Theresa Veerkamp/Handspinnen. The cooperation with the Draiflessen Collection on occhi technology. Sustainable furniture design from the Sitzwerk seminar, led by master interior designer Klaus Schmidt, supported by master carpenter Jürgen Menkhaus. The deputy teacher, Swantje Möhlmann, shows media boxes from students. Sustainability plays an important role in the range of courses on offer. One example is the Better Fashion Walk with Lesley-Ann Baldwin. A report on a trip to Georgia delves into textile art. Also: the opening of the St!chLab, international partnerships, the textile artist Ibrahim Mahama, the re:pair Festival Vienna, textile practice in the workshops and the dye garden in the Botanical Garden.
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Studying Textiles: Ausgabe 2022 der St!chwort
We have chosen the topic of textile studies as the theme for the 2022 annual issue. With this, we not only want to make the range of textile study options and locations visible, but also contribute to a first step of networking. Our magazine is like a virtual showcase in front of which potential students and interested parties can gather to gain insight into the innovative and interesting educational situations and research projects in the textile field. Unfortunately, we were not able to include all textile sites in this issue, leaving potential for another edition. To all those who have contributed to our ability to publish such an exciting journal, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Online-Publikation Stichwort 2022

Fourth issue of the online publication “Stichwort”
The focus of the fourth issue of the annual publication "Stichwort" is on two master theses, exploring the theme of Textile Studies in primary school and the core curriculum, as well as inclusion in Textile teaching. "Stichwort" also reports on cooperation trips of Textile Studies 2021 to Finland, the Netherlands and Belgium. This is about the project "Craft Education and Makerspaces", funded by INTENSinternational, a program to strengthen international cooperations. Erasmus collaborations with Universities in Rovaniemi and Helsinki have emerged from this project and the cooperation trips. In the summer of 2022, the first exchange students from the University of Osnabrück will travel to Finland as part of the Erasmus program.
Stichwort 2021 online publication

Third issue of the online publication “Stichwort”
The third issue of the online journal “Stichwort” focuses on cooperation, projects and teaching at the Department of Textile Studies. The overview is followed by a contribution on the seminar “A Textile Archive as a Data Pool of Cultural History” by Professor Dr. Bärbel Schmidt and participating students. The authors explain Jules David Prown’s “Mind in Matter” method for analyzing textiles. Under the heading “Die Brille – Eine Objektgeschichte vom Lesestein zu Google Glass” (Spectacles – A history of objects from the reading stone to Google Glass), students explore topics related to the development of spectacles. The seminar was led by Lena Küppers. Lucia Schwalenberg reports about a collaborative project undertaken with Stiftung Mensch. In her seminar on “Heritage of Patterns – Development of a Collection for the Historic Beiderwand Weaving Workshop run by Stiftung Mensch in Meldorf”, the students developed geometric, timeless designs inspired by historical Beiderwand weaving. Under the heading “Textilkisten – Ein Bericht aus der Praxisphase GHR 300” (Textile boxes – A report from the GHR 300 practical stage), Alexandra Wilker sheds light on the changed requirements for teacher training students’ teaching practice in Coronavirus conditions.
Stichwort 2020 online publication

Second issue of the online publication “Stichwort”
The second issue of the online publication “Stichwort”, published by the Department of Textile Studies, contains two students’ final theses. The first topic is about a project design on sustainable fashion – “Fairo Moda – Leihen statt kaufen” (Fairo Moda – Borrow not buy); the second is entitled “Basadi Women – Ein textiles Projekt in Südafrika” (Basadi Women – A textile project in South Africa).
The issue also includes a summary of the process of creating the academic scarf at the Department of Textile Studies in cooperation with the President’s Cabinet of Osnabrück University.
Stichwort 2019 online publication

First issue of the online publication “Stichwort”
The electronic journal “Stichwort” features current articles on relevant textile science and textile art topics by students and teaching staff at Osnabrück University’s Department of Textile Studies.
One focus is on student term papers, bachelor’s and master’s theses, and on insights into the study and research of textile studies. The “Stichwort” journal is a representative forum for outstanding student work that is of general interest.