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International partnerships
A semester abroad can enrich individual studies and provide new insights and experiences. It also offers the opportunity to get to know a foreign country and its culture. This makes it an experience that enriches not only your studies, but your entire life.
To enable students to do this, the Department of Textile Studies maintains a variety of partnerships with the following international universities:
Finland: Rovaniemi: university of Lapland
Helsinki: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Georgia: Tiflis Staatliche Akademie der Künste
Netherlands: Leiden: Textile Research Centre
Sri Lanka: Colombo: AOD Design Academy
Switzerland: Bern: university of bern
The Erasmus programme offers special support for a one to two semester study stay at a European partner university. Some advantages of the programme are:
- Monthly Erasmus grant (funding level depending on country group)
- Recognition of achievements from studies abroad
- Support infrastructure for international students at the host university
- Residence and funding opportunities for up to 12 months.
The list of partner universities provides information on the available places and the requirements needed. It should be noted that the exchange takes place at subject level, which means that students can only study in the field of the partner university.
Before applying for a stay abroad, some points should be considered:Before applying, you should inform yourself on the partner university's website about the study conditions, the courses offered there, semester dates, language requirements, etc.
- Before applying, you should inform yourself on the partner university's website about the study conditions, the courses offered there, semester dates, language requirements, etc..
- Since there is cooperation with individual departments, they must assume that they can only study in that department.
- Erasmus students cannot stay abroad for longer than the agreed period of time - this should be taken into account when planning your stay. However, it may be possible to extend the stay if sufficient funding is available.
Further Informations: Mareike Tudor/Büro für Auslandsstudium & internationale Kooperationen|Office for Study Abroad & International Cooperation/Fachbereich Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften|School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences, Seminarstraße 33, D-49074 Osnabrück, GERMANY, +49 (0)541 969-4381,
Caption: Aalto University/Entrance hall; University Helsinki: Weaving Workshop with Prof. Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen and Prof. Sirpa Kokko; Urs Dierker explaining his circular costume design to Prof. Bärbel Schmidt; Gloves/Local Heritage Museum Rovaniemi; Makerspace Völtila/Pirita Lauri with Digitaljacquard TC2; handwoven woolen Ranuus/Local Heritage Museum Rovaniemi; University Turku/Rauma Campus/Craft Teacher Education; Jätermateraalikengät/Ana Nuutinen/Art Exhibition by staff from University of Lapland/Arktikum Rovaniemi.
Text and Photos: Prof. Dr. Bärbel Schmidt/ Dipl. Des. Lucia Schwalenberg

Georgia cooperation travel
Textile culture at the crossroads between West and East
Textile culture, the cultural heritage blue print and the crossroads between East and West were the main topics for a cooperation trip to Georgia by Bärbel Schmidt and her research assistant Lucia Schwalenberg. Countries like Georgia at the interface between Europe and Asia are characterized by a multi-layered approach in relation to cultural history, contemporary design and the challenges of the Post Soviet Age. Georgia strives to revive manual and industrial skills and techniques. Universities and cultural institutions research and activate textile techniques such as blue printing, felting, weaving and silk processing. These techniques are taught at the State Art Academy in Tbilisi and supported by a growing number of textile artists and institutions such as the UNESCO. The cooperation travel was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service/DAAD to prepare for mobility projects with partner countries. In order to continue the project, concrete cooperation options will be explored with the State Academy of Arts, its experimental research laboratory for Blauprint/Lurja Supra, the State Silk Museum and regional textile artists and other possible institutions. --> Read more in the illustrated travel report :-)
Further informations: Prof. Dr. Bärbel Schmidt, 0049 (0)541 969-4217,
Photos: State Academy of the Arts, Lucia Schwalenberg.
Cooperation Travel
Textile Studies, Craft Education and Makerspaces
From Osnabrück to Berlin
Textile Studies, Craft Education and Makerspaces were the main topics of a cooperation tour from Osnabrück via Hannover, Hildesheim, Halle and Wildau to Berlin. The trip was part of funded project "Craft Education and Makerspaces" with travels to Finland, The Netherlands and Belgium (see below). The project is supported by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture through the program INTENSIVinternational which aims to strenghthen pan-European colaborative projects.
The goal of the Textile Studies program at Osnabrück University is to train future textile teachers. Textile Studies has a special responsibility to promote Education for Sustainable Development and creative skills. The focus on the research is on Makerspaces as future-oriented locations for a shared economy, shared education and equipment and as places for joint knowledge transfer.
Travelreport: Osnabrück to Berlin
Picture text: Idea Space - Area at Hafven/Makerspace Hannover.
Further informations:
Prof. Dr. Bärbel Schmidt, 0541 969-4217,
Dipl. Des. Lucia Schwalenberg, 0541 969-4219/05103 706423,
Fotos: Prof. Dr. Bärbel Schmidt/Dipl. Des. Lucia Schwalenberg
Netherlands and Belgium Cooperation Travel
Textile Studies, Craft Education and Makerspaces
Funded by the Lower Saxony Minstry for Science and Culture
Textile Studies, Craft Education and Makerspaces was the focus of a coopertion travel from Textiles Studies Department to Netherlands and Belgium. The travel was funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture, through the support program INTENSIVinternational that aims at strengthening the cooperation between European countries.
The goal of the Textile Studies program at Osnabrück University is to train future textile teachers, stimulate the students' curiosity and excitement for textiles, and encourage further studies of textile culture. The Textile Studies department offers a setting where the students experience that knowledge is unlimited and learnig is for life.
A report about the travel: Netherlands/Belgium Travelreport
Picture text: Impressions from Netherlands and Belgium: TextielMuseum Tilburg/outside view; Textile Research Centre, Leiden/Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood/Bärbel Schmidt; Texlab Liège/design station; Fashion for Good/Hul de Kes; Waag TextileLab/Michelle Vossen/Maro Pebo/Bärbel Schmidt; Waag TextileLab/guild auditorium; Waag TextileLab/Amsterdam; TextielLab Tilburg/jacquard weaving lab.
Further informationen:
Prof. Dr. Bärbel Schmidt, 0541 969-4217,
Dipl. Des. Lucia Schwalenberg, 0541 969-4219/05103 706423,
Fotos: Prof. Dr. Bärbel Schmidt/Dipl. Des. Lucia Schwalenberg

Finland Cooperation Travel
Textile Studies, Craft Education and Makerspaces
Funded by the Lower Saxony Minstry for Science and Culture
Textile Studies, Craft Education and Makerspaces was the focus of a coopertion travel from Textiles Studies Department to universities and institutions in Finland. The travel was funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture, through the support program INTENSIVinternationa that aims at strengthening the cooperation between European countries in the full amount of Euro 10.000. The project will nun be proceeded by concreting the cooperation and exploring cooperation option between Finnish Universities, Osnabrück University as Lower Saxony University and the Textile Research Centre in Leiden/Netherlands.
The goal of the Textile Studies program at Osnabrück University is to train future textile teachers, stimulate the students' curiosity and excitement for textiles, and encourage further studies of textile culture. The Textile Studies department offers a setting where the students experience that knowledge is unlimited and learnig is for life.
Nordic countries like Finland are pursuing a holistic approach to Craft Education. They treasure lifelong learning, which is cross-generational, corss-cultural and interdisciplinary. In addition to finding this learning methodology in the different schools and universities across Finland, it is also embedded in the Craft Organisation Taito and several pop-up Makerspaces. International contact partners in Universities in Finland are Rovaniemi, Turku/Rauma und Helsinki/Eespo.
A report about the travel at Digital Weaving Norway: Finland Travel Diaries: Textile Studies, Craft Education and Makerspaces
Picture text: Aalto University/Entrance hall; University Helsinki: Weaving Workshop with Prof. Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen and Prof. Sirpa Kokko; Urs Dierker explaining his circular costume design to Prof. Bärbel Schmidt; Gloves/Local Heritage Museum Rovaniemi; Makerspace Völtila/Pirita Lauri with Digitaljacquard TC2; handwoven woolen Ranuus/Local Heritage Museum Rovaniemi; University Turku/Rauma Campus/Craft Teacher Education; Jätermateraalikengät/Ana Nuutinen/Art Exhibition by staff from University of Lapland/Arktikum Rovaniemi.
Further informations:
Prof. Dr. Bärbel Schmidt, 0541 969-4217,
Dipl. Des. Lucia Schwalenberg, 0541 969-4219/05103 706423,
Fotos: Prof. Dr. Bärbel Schmidt/Dipl. Des. Lucia Schwalenberg